Chris Christie Ain’t No Liberal!

Posted: November 7, 2013 in Uncategorized
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I’ve been offline for a few months, but I’m going to try to be more active going forward.  Here’s the first of what I hope will be many.

Okay, so Chris Christie won big, and he says he’s a moderate and willing to compromise with the other side — but it’s all talk, it’s all posturing. Is he a moderate? NO. His policies and positions have been as conservative as any Republican governor in the country. He vetoed the minimum wage, and the people had to override his veto. He was against gay marriage until forced to back off. The economy of New Jersey is in the crapper. 75% of the people impacted by Hurricane Sandy say they haven’t gotten the help they need from him; the $850 million appropriated for Sandy aid is mostly unaccounted for. And so on and so forth. But if by some miracle he manages to get the Republican nomination for President, he’s going to have to pick a right-wing running mate because he walked side-by-side with Barack Obama. Not because he’s some kind of a liberal. And that’s what scares me the most: If the Republicans should happen to win in 2016, and Christie drops dead of a heart attack, our President will be Rand Paul or Ted Cruz or Paul Ryan. Think about that before you start thinking that Chris Christie isn’t so bad. He’s WORSE, because he’s a wolf in a sheep’s Big and Tall clothing.

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