How Conservatives Think About Health Care

Posted: January 8, 2011 in Health Care, politics

In the debate over health care, you have to understand how right-wingers think. I know, because I used to be one. When you ask Republican congresspeople to give up their health care if they’re going to repeal the health care bill, it’s as if you said to them:

LIBERAL: We want to buy everybody a car. You need a car to get to work or to get to school or to take your children to day care or to go out and buy food and clothing. Without a car, you’re stuck, and mobility is essential for our economy.

CONSERVATIVE: We can’t afford to buy everybody a car. I’m voting against it.

LIBERAL: Okay, then give up your own car.

CONSERVATIVE: Why? I can afford MY car.

LIBERAL: But that’s not fair. Many people can’t. Certainly not one as nice as yours.

CONSERVATIVE: That’s not MY fault. They should go get a job and earn enough money to buy a car.

LIBERAL: But how can they get to a job without a car?

CONSERVATIVE: Not my problem. Maybe they don’t deserve a job. Anyway, the government shouldn’t be forcing people to buy cars.

And so on and so on. When applied to health care, the argument goes like this:

CONSERVATIVE: We want to repeal the health care bill. It’s too expensive, and the government shouldn’t be making people buy health insurance.

LIBERAL: Okay, then give up your own insurance.

CONSERVATIVE: Why? I have insurance that comes with my job.

LIBERAL: But that’s not fair. Many people can’t get insurance. Certainly not one as good as yours, that’s provided by the government.

CONSERVATIVE: That’s not MY fault. They should go get a job that provides insurance. The fact that I work for the government is just a coincidence. If they worked for the government, they could get government insurance, too.

LIBERAL: But how can they survive without health insurance?

CONSERVATIVE: Not my problem. Maybe they don’t deserve to live. Anyway, the government shouldn’t be forcing people to buy insurance.

See the logic of it? To the right-winger, it’s all the same: Cars, health insurance, jobs, food — you either have them or you don’t, and if you don’t, maybe you don’t deserve them. Nature has to have some way to thin the herd. If you want something I have, and you take it from me, that’s stealing. If I give it to you, that’s charity, and it’s my choice. If I choose to keep what’s mine, that’s called freedom. It’s a free country, and you’re free to drop dead. Do it quickly, so my taxes don’t go up.

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